


Guha Nalakrishnan
Guha Balakrishnan

Assistant Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Gang Bao
Gang Bao

Department Chair & Foyt Family Professor of Bioengineering
Professor of Chemistry
Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering
CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research

Sibani Lisa Biswal
Sibani Lisa Biswal

Senior Associate Dean of Engineering
William M. McCardell Professor in Chemical Engineering
Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering

Mingjie Dai
Mingjie Dai

Assistant Professor of Bioengineering
CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research

Michael Diehl
Michael Diehl

Associate Professor of Bioengineering
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Director of Bioengineering Graduate Studies

Henry Everitt
Henry Everitt

Adjunct Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Adjunct Professor of Physics & Astronomy

Yang Gao
Yang Gao

Assistant Professor of BioSciences
CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research

Anna-Karin Gustavsson
Anna-Karin Gustavsson

Director of the Center for Nanoscale Imaging Sciences
CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research, Norman Hackerman-Welch Young Investigator
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, BioSciences, and Electrical & Computer Engineering
Smalley-Curl Institute, Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering

Naomi Halas
Naomi J. Halas

Stanley C. Moore Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics & Astronomy
Director of the Smalley-Curl Institute
Director of the Laboratory for Nanophotonics

Yimo Han
Yimo Han

Assistant Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering

Shengxi Huang
Shengxi Huang

Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Matthew R. Jones
Matthew R. Jones

Gene and Norman Hackerman Junior Chair
Norman Hackerman-Welch Young Investigator
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Assistant Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering

Kevin F. Kelly
Kevin F. Kelly

Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Junichiro Kono
Junichiro Kono

Karl F. Hasselmann Chair in Engineering and Graduate Program Chair
Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering

Lei Li
Lei Li

Assistant Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering

George Lu
George Lu

Assistant Professor of Bioengineering
CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research

Xuedan Ma
Xuedan Ma

Associate Professor of Materials Science & Nanoengineering
Rice University

Frederick C. MacKintosh
Frederick C. MacKintosh

Abercrombie Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Professor of Chemistry
Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Director of Graduate Studies

Angel Martí
Angel Martí

Professor of Chemistry, Bioengineering, and Materials Science & NanoEngineering
Chair of the Department of Chemistry
Faculty Director of the Rice Emerging Scholars Program

Aditya Mohite
Aditya Mohite

Associate Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Associate Professor of Materials Science & Nanoengineering

Lea Nienhaus
Lea Nienhaus

Associate Professor
Norman Hackerman-Welch Young Investigator
RAMI Fellow

Peter Nordlander
Peter J. A. Nordlander

Wiess Chair and Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering

José N. Onuchic
José N. Onuchic

Harry C. and Olga K. Wiess Chair of Physics
Professor of Chemistry
Professor of BioSciences

Vicente Ordóñez-Román
Vicente Ordóñez-Román

Associate Professor of Computer Science

George N. Phillips, Jr.
George N. Phillips, Jr.

Ralph and Dorothy Looney Professor of BioSciences
Associate Dean for Research
Professor of Chemistry

Robert Raphael
Robert Raphael

Associate Professor of Bioengineering
Principal Investigator for Rice University/Baylor College of Medicine Neuroengineering IGERT

Rebecca Richards-Kortum
Rebecca Richards-Kortum

Malcolm Gillis University Professor
Professor of Bioengineering
Director of Rice360 Institute for Global Health Technologies

Peter Rossky
Peter Rossky

Harry C. & Olga K. Wiess Chair in Natural Sciences
Professor of Chemistry
National Academy of Sciences Member

Yizhi Jane Tao
Yizhi Jane Tao

Professor of BioSciences

Ashok Veeraraghavan
Ashok Verraraghavan

Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor of Computer Science

Julea Vlassakis
Julea Vlassakis

Assistant Professor of Bioengineering
CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research

M. Neal Waxham
M. Neal Waxham

William Wheless III Professor in Biomedical Science
Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy

Geoff Wehmeyer
Geoff Wehmeyer

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Rice University

Bruce Weisman
R. Bruce Weisman

Professor of Chemistry
Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering
Associate Chair for Teaching

Peter Wolynes
Peter Wolynes

Bullard-Welch Foundation Professor of Chemistry
Professor of BioSciences
Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering
Professor of Physics & Astronomy

Han Xiao
Han Xiao

Associate Professor of Chemistry, Biosciences, and Bioengineering Associate Chair for Graduate Admissions
CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research
Director, SynthX Center

Yonglong Xie
Yonglong Xie

Assistant Professor of Physics & Astronomy

Yuji Zhao
Yuji Zhao

Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering

External Members

Zamal Ahmed
Zamal Ahmed

Assistant Professor of Molecular and Cellular Oncology
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Tai-Yen Chen
Tai-Yen Chen

Assistant Professor of Chemistry
The University of Houston

Ruhee Dere
Ruhee Dere

Associate Professor of Medicine
Director of the Nikon Center of Excellence
Baylor College of Medicine

Kirill Larin
Kirill Larin

Cullen College of Engineering Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Director for Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program
The University of Houston

Emil Schueler
Emil Schueler

Assistant Professor of Department of Radiation Physics
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Konstantin V. Sokolov
Konstantin V. Sokolov

Director, Biomedical Optics and NanoDiagnostics (BOND) Laboratory
Professor of Imaging Physics
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

John A. Tainer
John A. Tainer

Professor of Molecular and Cellular Oncology and Robert A. Welch Distinguished Professor Chair in Chemistry
Director of the Department of Structural Biology
Director of the SIBYLS Advanced Light Source
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center